It’s a New Year and in light of the once-in-a-generation experience of the Covid-19 pandemic, it may be wise to consider reducing your financial stresses with your debts during this new year. Many Americans have unfortunatelylost their jobs or sources of income and have not been able to pay their mortgage or rent, in addition to having to use their credit cards for necessities in order to survive this unprecedented experience. Unfortunately, these stresses can sometimes cause people to become numb or in denial and refuse to face the realities of their situation. Perhaps the following suggestions can help and/or assist those financial concerns to reduce and/or alleviate some or most of your financial issues:
- Look in the mirror and face reality. Although it may be difficult, try to bite the bullet and face the reality of your present debts including mortgage, rent, and credit card interest rates.
- One step at a time. Once you analyze your personal debt, you should ask yourself how you can pay down your debts and how you incur debt. Acknowledge which of your spending are needs and which are merely wants, which can be postponed.
- Create a budget. This is easier said than done, like losing weight and exercising.
- Creative sources of cash flow. In light of the pandemic and the “new normal”, are there areas or ways in which you can increase and/or substitute sources of cash flow and/or income, in addition to your present circumstances. Do you spend your time like you use your credit cards or like you use your cash? Please remember that one’s lifeTIME is one resource that never grows as it is continuously being reduced. Choose to spend your money as you would your cash.
- If you are at a point where your stress seems unbearable and/or you are overwhelmed and feeling out of control, then the filing of Bankruptcy is sometimes the only way to alleviate the stress and financial burden. It is a lawful method to assist eligible persons under the law and should be considered seriously as it can help you to hold onto your home, retirement accounts, and other valuable properties and assets, in addition to stopping the endless calls from creditors and/or debt collectors.
We are here to help! Whether to provide guidance, education, negotiation, mediation services, or formal legal relief, i.e., bankruptcy filing. Please contact us at 954-755-1500 and view our website at www.broward-lawyer.com. An initial free consultation is always available.