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Law Talk

Dating During Divorce

Dating During DivorceFlorida is a no fault divorce state which means finding fault in the marriage is not required to obtain a divorce. The courts grant a divorce based on responses of the divorce petition.  Issues of distribution of assets, liabilities, alimony, fees, child support and time sharing still must be resolved or approved by the court. As there are presently no laws against dating during divorce, there are several factors that suggest waiting to date is a wise decision.

Couples are typically in divorce because their relationship is not working, there have been arguments, abuse or other not-so-healthy experiences that have occurred.  Try to take the opportunity to heal yourself, recognize the role you may have played in the marriage and learn the red flags to avoid the pitfalls of a similar relationship in the future.  The attention of a new person may be a great distraction but eventually you have to deal with the past.

Focus on the children or step children of the marriage.  A divorce is a disruption to the entire household and children do not have the skills to deal with the situations on their own.  They need to know the divorce is not their fault.  Listen to their fears and concerns and respond honestly and appropriately.  The other parent will always be an important person in their life so be careful how you talk about them.  Enlist the support of a therapist, teacher or guidance counselor to ease the transition.

Jealousy can drive people to irrational behaviors.  A new person in your life can actually delay the resolution of a divorce especially if your spouse is not supportive of the divorce.  The opposing spouse may fight the distribution of assets just to keep a hold on you.  The more of a fight, the longer the divorce is held up in the courts.  Your new partner may be open for scrutiny in custody/time sharing issues.  If they have a shady past, custody/time sharing  could be jeopardized or ultimately lost.

If this person is the “one for you”, he or she will not mind waiting for you.  They will understand your situation and look forward to a relationship with a whole you rather than you focusing on the previous marriage.  Trials and tribulations make us stronger.  You may have more to give in a new relationship with a little alone time under your belt.

If you are experiencing a relationship crisis and considering filing for divorce or pursuing other family matters contact an experienced family law attorney who can advise you of all your options taking into consideration the emotional components as well as the legal issues. As a state certified and circuit civil mediator as well as a proven and experienced attorney since 1974  Ronald A. Luzim brings an integrative and holistic approach to help his clients take full advantage of the family laws to protect their rights and interests. Please contact his Coral Springs office at 954-755-1500 for your family law needs.